December 30, 2024
How to build a performing team for your venture

In this blog we are going to discuss about the importance of Human Resource for operating a venture successfully.
If you are an entrepreneur or an individual in a senior management role, you must be well aware of the fact that your organisation will fail to function if it doesn’t have proper man power but having said that there is a high possibility of your operation to crash down if you have wrong talents recruited in your company.
Let us put some light of the challenges a company might face to build a proper team and an effective team.
There two reasons why majorly an employee fails to function 1. Skill Issue 2. Will Issue.
What do we mean by Skill Issue?
When an employee under performs due to lack of expertise in certain field. It is addressed as skill issue.
So how do we ensure to overcome this challenge?
Skill is always measurable hence during the time of interview you need to ensure you are recruiting the right candidate. You can measure a candidate’s skill by checking his qualifications, skills achieved through vocational courses, previous work experience, checking his or her basic computer knowledge and communication skill.
If you find a suitable candidate with all the desired skill set, you will recruit him or her to join your team.
What about those who have already been recruited?
The world of changing every other day, with upgradation of AI one needs to stay updated about the latest technology all the time. So to ensure your existing team remains effective, you need to ensure they get trained and updated about the latest updates in your industry.
Now let us talk about WILL ISSUES?
Will issue which can also to termed as attitude of an employee is not measurable. However you can determine the will issue by monitoring the employee’s behaviour at the work place.
To understand the process let us adapt a gateway framework.
Green Zone: In this quadrant you will need to enlist all those employees who know their job and is eager to perform their duties without showing any excuses. The employee will be concerned about the over all growth of the company and will always work towards the betterment of the company. Such employee can always be relied with additional responsibilities and can be considered dependable.
How to monitor them?
Considering they are performing their job properly doesn’t mean you will not monitor them. Even they need motivation and additional push. As an entrepreneur you will need to give them feedback and guide them gently if they make any honest mistake. Not only that give them incentives and career growth. Please note you need to keep a track of every employee in your company. Human nature is unpredictable hence any employee in green quadrant can slip to other quadrants any time if we don’t monitor them properly.
Yellow Zone: In this quadrant we can add those employees who are eager to learn but lack proper knowledge. Such employees can be asset to your company subject to the idea that you invest time and money on their training. You will need to groom them an ensure that they preform in the near future.
How to deal with them?
Train them and be patient with them. Give them regular feedback and ensure you monitor their progress properly.
Note: If an employee from green quadrant quits these employees from yellow quadrants are the best ones to replace them.
Orange Zone: This quadrant determines those employees who know their work really well but lack the desire to do their job.
When you deal with such employees you need to ensure to establish a clear one on one communication where you will need to convey the message on that they need to perform and set a time line within which you will like to see the progress. If they fail to satisfy your need, you will need to be ready to replace them.
Red Zone: In this quadrant you will need to add those employees who neither know their job nor are interested to deliver the result. These are the employees who have major attitude issues and often switch to insubordination. Such employees need to be terminated immediately as they will not only effect the business but also hamper the environment of your office which can impact other employees negatively.
Do note being an entrepreneur is not an easy job . You need to ensure that you have the right people working in your team whose vision is aligned with yours. Most importantly if any employee from green zone quits, don’t feel low because you didn’t start your venture for your employees. You did it for yourself. Employees will come and go you need to remain constant and work towards your goal.